My Outlet Stopped Working, But The Breaker’s Not Tripped!
Have you found yourself in a position where you’ve noticed that your outlets aren't working quite like you’re used to? You go to plug in your phone or any other device and notice that absolutely nothing has happened but your breaker box offers no solutions? If this is the case it seems like you’ve found yourself in a situation where your outlets have stopped working, even though the breaker has not been tripped. While not very common, this inconvenient mishap may be the result of a few different circumstances.
Below we’ve listed the most common reasons your outlet may be having issues so that you can narrow down to the root of the problem.
What you can check on yourself
While calling an electrician may be easy, there are some steps you can take if you want to try and diagnose and repair the issue yourself. Before you take on an unexpected bill from a professional, try to look for these two indicators.
See if the outlet is receiving electricity
For our handy folks, let's start by testing the outlet to see if any electricity is being delivered to the outlet. This simple task can be accomplished by using a multimeter or similar apparatus. Simply insert the prongs or probes into the outlet and look for a reading. If there is electricity, you will see that reflected on the multimeter screen.
Check your GFCI outlet reset button
Fortunately for us, technology has advanced in a way that allows us to have wonderful conveniences such as a GFCI outlet. Most modern homes will be fitted with these outlets – easily distinguished by the “test” and “reset” buttons in the center of the outlet – that allow you to break a circuit instead of blowing a fuse. In instances where these types of outlets are installed, attempt to use the “reset” button to successfully reset the current being provided. If this works, your problem is solved!
What your local electrician can check for
Outside of the above listed measures, there are other things that a professional can look into. While we will review what these electricians will look for, we highly recommend that you leave these tasks to them as your safety should always be a priority.
A loose outlet that needs to be replaced
Loose outlets can be a culprit in a good deal of these situations. While the issue may not be immediately apparent, a loose outlet can cause more damage than expected if left untreated. During the review, your electrician will search for broken wires and burn marks to ensure your household safety before repairing the outlet. If left unchecked, sparking as a result of your loose outlet can result in an unfortunate fire.
Loose and faulty wiring behind your outlet
Even if your outlet seems stable, loose wiring can remain a prime suspect in the event your outlets stop working. Lose and faulty wiring are not only inconvenient, they also pose a threat to the safety of your household. Loose wiring comes with wear as the home and outlets age, but thankfully any skilled technician should be able to remedy the problem in no time.
A damaged or old breaker
In circumstances where the outlet isn't working, but your breaker is not tripped, it is important to avoid ruling out the breaker all together. You see, even if the breaker is not showing signs of there being an issue, there is a good chance that the breaker itself has the problem. With age, wear, or mistreatment, your breaker could be the reason you’re having electrical issues within your home.
An overloaded circuit that requires rewiring
With advancements in technology, it’s not too far fetched to discover that your circuit is simply overloaded. As appliances and technology develop and more things begin to demand electricity, you could unintentionally overload your circuit, creating a number of issues down the line. Thankfully the solution – carried out by a professional – is relatively simple.
Call Young Cardinal Electric to fix your home electrical in Tampa!
Tampa Bay and the surrounding area trusts their electric needs with Young Cardinal Electric. Expect exceptional customer service with detail oriented resolutions to your electric needs. For any questions you may have, or to request that we come to your home or business, give us a call or book with us online!