What Is a Neutral Wire and Where Do You Find It?
You might not know it, but there’s an electrical current constantly flowing through your home around the clock, simply waiting for you to plug in a device or flip a switch. One often overlooked yet indispensable part of this system is the neutral wire. So, what exactly is a neutral wire? Find out what you need to know in this guide.
How Much Electricity Does a TV Use?
In many households, the television is where families gather to wind down at the end of the day and enjoy content ranging from masterful storytelling to mindless entertainment. But how much electricity does a TV use? We break it down in this guide.
Can You Plug an Extension Cord into a Power Strip?
We’ve all been there: you have numerous devices and appliances that need power sources, but can you plug an extension cord into a power strip? Find out why this is not ideal and can actually cause damage in our comprehensive guide!
Is a Buzzing Plug Socket Dangerous?
A buzzing electrical socket may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it could signal a much more dangerous concern. If you notice a hum from your outlets, it’s essential to contact a licensed electrician who can help you assess and resolve the issue quickly, safely, and effectively. Join us for a comprehensive guide to buzzing electrical outlets and what to do when you notice a strange noise coming from your plug.
Why Does My House Smell Like Fish?
When you catch a whiff of something fishy in your home, you might assume the smell is coming from a dead critter in your walls or spoiled food that hasn’t made it into the trash. However, this unpleasant odor could signal a more urgent safety issue. Join us to learn what it means when your house smells like fish and which electrical components may be causing the problem.
How To Wire an Outlet
When an outlet in your home stops working properly, many folks call their trusted electrician to fix the problem. But with the right tools and safety precautions, it’s possible to wire an electrical outlet on your own. If you feel comfortable handling electrical components, consider adding this skill to your toolbox. Today, we’re walking you through the process of safely wiring an outlet.
How Much Does It Cost To Upgrade an Electrical Panel?
Since the electrical panel is considered the heart of your home's electrical system, it should be appropriately upgraded in order to maintain both the safety and efficiency of the household. But how much does it cost to upgrade an electrical panel? Find out what you need to know in this guide.
How Do You Know If You Need an Electrical Panel Replacement?
How do you know if you need an electrical panel replacement? Find out in this guide with expert advice on how to tell if you need a full replacement or just an upgrade and what to do about it from the team at Young Cardinal.
What To Do When Your Power Goes Out
Most of us have experienced a power outage at some point, but it can be hard to know what to do when your power goes out. Explore how to troubleshoot a power outage and what to do to ensure your safety while you wait for your electricity to be restored.
What Is a Partial Power Outage?
While most of us have experienced a complete power outage at some point, partial outages are less common. However, when a partial power outage does happen, trying to solve the problem can be confusing and frustrating. Use this guide to troubleshoot your partial power outage.
Guide to Home Standby Generator Installation
No matter where you live, owning a standby generator can significantly enhance the safety and stability of your household. Join us today as we explore the benefits of having this backup generator in place, as well as how to plan ahead for your standby generator installation.
How To Choose The Best Surge Protector for Your Home
Surge protectors ensure that your electronic devices and home appliances don’t get damaged in the event of a power surge. In this article, we discuss why surge protectors are important, how they work, and how to choose the best surge protector for your home.
How to Install a Doorbell Camera
Whether you’re concerned about package theft, unexpected visitors, or simply want to keep an eye on your property, a doorbell camera offers a smart, easy-to-use solution. Get step-by-step instructions on how to install a doorbell camera and why these gadgets are so beneficial.
How Much Does a Tankless Water Heater Cost?
If you’re in the market for a new water heater, a tankless model can be a great option, but costs can vary. Explore what to expect when shopping for a tankless water heater, including price range, upkeep, and maintenance tips.
How Long Does It Take for an Electrical Fire To Start?
While electrical fires might appear to ignite in the blink of an eye, they can actually take months or years to develop. As these potential disasters brew, they often offer warning signs that signal impending doom. Learn how electrical fires can start and what you can do to prevent them.
The Importance of Electrical Maintenance
Routine electrical maintenance can help ensure everything in your home or business continues running safely and efficiently. Join us for an in-depth look at the benefits of regular maintenance.
Commercial vs Residential Electricians
Let’s discuss the differences between different types of electricians, as well as how to determine the best type of electrician you’ll need to successfully complete your job.
What Does an Electrical Fire Smell Like?
Electrical fires are not something to be taken lightly. For the benefit and protection of your home and family, it’s important to know the signs of an electrical fire so that you can prevent potential damage.
What Does a Commercial Electrician Do?
Let’s take some time to delve into the roles of commercial electricians, why their roles are indispensable, and how they differ from their residential counterparts.
Understanding Commercial Kitchen Electrical Regulations
When it comes to working with commercial kitchens, understanding and adhering to electrical regulations isn’t just a matter of compliance; it is also a crucial element in the safety and efficiency of operations. Let’s delve into the key aspects of electrical regulations and responsible energy management when working with industrial kitchens.