Electric car charging station installation in Wesley Chapel
Charging your electric vehicle in Wesley Chapel
Taking care of your Electric Vehicle doesn’t have to be a difficult process. In fact, with the right support and proper battery charging, it can be easier than battery maintenance on a standard fuel vehicle.
You can extend and preserve your battery life by minimizing exposure to high temperatures when parked, avoiding the fastest charging option, and controlling the environment around long-term storage of your battery.
Many people opt for an Electric Vehicle before they realize they even need an EV-specific infrastructure set up at home. An EV charger will pull an electrical current from a high-voltage outlet, or hardwired grid, and transfer that electricity into your vehicle.
The most important, and often neglected aspect of charging your EV is the situational awareness and caution required to keep you and your loved ones safe. We love sunny Florida, but we’re heavily prone to rain, and moisture is to EVs what kryptonite is to Superman. Protecting your EV charger with a covering that keeps moisture at bay is essential to efficient, secure use.
At Young Cardinal, we pride ourselves on our attention to the minute details that are an integral part of safe EV charging, installation, and everything that comes along with it. We provide installation services, educate you about usage, and help you troubleshoot.
When you plug your EV into a charging source, your vehicle checks to see how much power that charger can deliver.
At 120 volts, Level 1 charging is the slowest way to charge your EV and adds around 3-5 miles of range per hour.
At 208 to 240 volts, Level 2 charging is the most commonly used charging level for daily EV use. Charging your EV up to ten times faster than Level 1, it requires a dedicated, heavy-duty circuit and supply line- but it is worth every minute, and every penny.
At 400 to 900 volts, Level three charging is considered a supercharger. This is often utilized in commercial settings and less in residential areas as very few residential locations are equipped to supply the high-voltage required.
Breaker box and electrical panel installation in Wesley Chapel
Electrical panels and breaker boxes, like most of the electricity-related work around your home, should be performed by a licensed electrician. It requires coordination with local regulations and making sure all is code friendly. A poorly designed system can lead to injury, or worse. We’re fortunate to have the years of experience necessary to safely ensure all of the above.